Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Christmas Bunting

Hello there folks!

Here we are at day two of our Advent of Christmas Craft and Recipes.

Today I am going to share about something that is very dear to my heart, and that is bunting.
Bunting is cute, bunting is fun, bunting looks great and is great to liven up any space and bring some festivity into the house.
Bunting is also incredibly easy an inexpensive to make!

You will need:
-Colourful and or patterned paper.
-A Stencil to cut out your flag shape
-Hole Punch
-Twine (or ribbon, or anything else you like!)

Step One: Choose the kinds of paper and the colours you would like for your bunting. We decided to go for a red and "magic colour" theme (the "magic colour" is sort of a pale, duck-egg blue) and I added some old children's storybook pages and some music paper.

Step Two: Take your stencil and trace it onto the reverse side of your paper. Try and get as many triangles as you can out of your paper for maximum buntage! After you have your triangles drawn, cut them out.

Step Three: Punch two holes in your flags, nicely spaced apart

Step Four: Thread your flags onto your twine. Your bunting is complete! Woo!

All that's left now is to hang your bunting up somewhere nice where it can be admired by all. We put our Christmas bunting up a little bit early so it would add some festivity to our "Little House Party"

So have fun! Mix it up and get creative with different shapes, letters, anything goes!


Leah :)

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